Underneath all the bells and whistles of technology, it boils down to one thing - what makes you different from your competitors?
Joanna Broussard | Founder | CEO | Executive Coach | Fractional CMO & CCO
I’m lucky. I began my career as a marketer in a city that didn’t have a lot of specialized agencies. To thrive, I had to understand every aspect of marketing and communications. More importantly, I had to know how to integrate strategy, creativity, and performance to produce measurable results. Some might say, I’m a ‘jack of all trades’ - I call it versatile.
By working with clients in dozens of industries, I honed my natural ability to see things differently. To visualize how something that worked in one industry might crossover successfully to another industry enabled me to position and differentiate clients for competitive advantage. The advent of the digital age provided the tools to create and leverage infinite opportunities.
From a family of entrepreneurs and small business owners, I learned the inner workings of business, how to close a profitable deal, and when to pivot. A historian by education, I’m good at seeing patterns and how they play out in business, in marketing, and in life.
Being a marketer is a bit like being a detective. I’m always on the hunt to discover the best strategies to help my clients solve their marketing, communication, and business challenges. It takes curiosity, creativity, and an intuitively analytic mind to bring it all together successfully.
Strategist. Ideator. Writer. Troubleshooter. Changemaster. Visionary.
What business challenge are you facing? How is that impacting growth? Let’s talk. View full profile.
The Team
All of The BizMark Group’s services are bespoke. My goal is to bring the best team together to execute on behalf of my clients.
I assemble our performance teams based on the client engagement. By working this way, I offer flexibility and scalability to the meet the ever-changing growth challenges that clients face.
I build our teams from a network of trusted professionals in design, digital media, video, marketing research, and other marketing support services. I also include professionals with whom our clients have established working relationships when appropriate. Want to know more? Let’s talk.